Wednesday, October 27, 2010


When you’re wishing the world would treat you fairly? Guess what, it doesn’t...

It’s always up to you to decide your future but if you’re not hard enough nothing ever comes out of what you decide and it all goes back to square one...

As weak as I am now, I have no strength to come to a final decision…as if living life is contradicting itself…what am I doing? What am I thinking?

Should I even be wasting life away like this while there are so many people out there living their dreams no matter how hard it gets…they stick to it and succeed…

No success comes without hardwork and tears and sweat…with a dream and a goal…they hold on to it and make them come true…

And now I know I lack both the dream and determination…cuz I am tired of this life…but I can’t let it be anymore…

An inspiration from all that I see…I shouldn’t just sit here and bore holes into my life…something has got to get going…I will keep trying…

And I will keep trusting in God no matter how hard the road gets…till I reach the finish line…there’s where I can rest…

So God please help me…I need you now…

As ashamed as I am to admit it; All I have as an offering:
Are the pieces of a life not worth having; And the shame only arrogance bring...

So I fall down in total surrender; As I drink in the mercy you are;
For the rest of my life and forever; Lord, this will be the cry of my heart...

All will be better…have faith and hold on!!